Friday, January 31, 2020

Reflection #82

Today in class in class we did a writing prompt on false reports on the Kobe Bryant case. For the first time I felt like I did good on my writing. I had good timing and was able to back up my claims with evidence. The main thing I struggle with is coming up with evidence to support my claims. It look me almost twenty minutes to make evidence. Although I’m getting better at writing I still need to work on timing myself on finding evidence. Overall today was a good relaxing day.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Reflection #80

Today in class we continued with the ownership and sense of self. I feel like I got better at making evidence for my claims without having to think as long as I use to. Later on in the class we talked about reason and reasoning. I wasn’t aware that reason and reasoning was two different things. We took notes and made example in order to understand the difference between the two.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Reflection #79

My purpose is putting people before me in everything I do. I considered myself selfless mainly because I'm always concerned about others needs and wishes rather than my own. I want to join the military because I feel like my purpose in life. I believe selflessness is the key to happiness. Selflessness is a important key to marriage, friendships, and relationships. Many people think success is having powers over others and the ability to dominate others. Everything you do in life will come back to you. You don't always have to need a reason to help people or expect something out of helping the person. Only people who learned the power of selflessness experience the true power of joy.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Reflection #78

Today in class we annotated a prompt on what it mean to own something. We were given three different point of views, for my point of view I chose that goods help you develop moral character. We watched different videos to help us get a better understanding on the prompt. The first video was a Kobe Bryant video on a poem he wrote. It was pretty hard to watch knowing that he just passed away yesterday. The video made me very emotional. In that video I learned that you have to dreams come but they have to come to a end. The second video was on identity. The video really stood out to me mainly because I haven’t really thought about my identity yet. I see myself as a straightforward and reserved person. Most people see me as a shy person who doesn’t really talk until I’m around people I know. Today’s lesson taught me a lot and it’s gonna stick with me for a long time.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Reflection #77

Today in class we finished the assignment from yesterday. Today I understood the questions more now that I fully used the process of elimination. I didn’t really find it difficult when I was working with people in groups. Later on in the class we talked about a prompt that stated whether we should have trade schools or not. I feel like we should have trade schools because everyone needs a second option just in case the first one don’t work out. I enjoyed today’s class it simple and easy.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Reflection #76

Today in class we took a practice test on a book club passage. I kinda found the passage difficult because I seen so many unknown words and it threw me off. I had trouble understanding what the passage was talking about and I couldn’t really get into it. The worst part about today was I forgot to put my name on my paper which I found odd because I always put my name in my papers. I guess today was just one of the days. Answer the questions was confusing to me because I had a difficult time reading the passage. I hope my grade wasn’t that bad.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Reflection #74

Today in class we did a body paragraph on the prompt we were given on certainty and doubt. Honestly it took me a while to come up with the whole thing without looking at my notes. I Mainly struggled with finding evidence to back up my claim. I feel like I’m getting better at writing but I am getting worst at time management. If it was a award for the slowest writing I guarantee I would win. I hope I get better at my writing pace.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Reflection #73

Today in class we looked at examples of the AP writing section. When we read the first essay it stood out to me the most. The essay contained all the right things such as attention grabber, thesis, claims, evidence, commentary, and conclusion. It grabbed my attention and didn’t leave me bored afterwards. The prompt was a very interesting topic to talk about because people view certainty and doubt differently. The second essay bored me and was all over the place. I didn’t really understand what was going on and I kept losing interest while reading it. Surprisingly the essay was graded as a five which really surprised me based on what I read. If that essay can get a five I pretty sure I can.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Reflection #72

 Today in class we worked more on supporting the certainty and doubt argument with evidence and examples. We talked about observations and experiences. For observation I talked about the time when you sister was trying out for the flag line and she had a lot of doubt that she wouldn’t make it. She later talked to my mom and my mom convinced her that she was certain she got the spot. Doubt is natural but it can be overcame. For my experience I talked about the time I went to compete for the brigade staff board. In all honesty I feel like it was one of the hardest things I ever done in my life. When I competed I started to doubt myself because it was against 15 other schools. After the competition one of my first sergeants insured me that I made it so it started to make me feel more certain about it. Later that day I found out I came in second place over MCPSS I felt very surprised and proud of myself. With certainty you can over come anything.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Reflection #71

Today in class we took notes from videos to take a position on the relationship between certainty and doubt. In a relationship you can’t have one without the other. The main video that stood out to me was the one with Dwayne Johnson. He remembered the hard times he went through. He was certain that no one could out work him in that room. If you doubt the possible, the possible will become impossible. Having certainty that you can achieve is very life-changing. If you allow doubt to take over it can become your worst enemy. If you beat the enemy more open doors will come to you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Reflection #70

Today in class I left early. While I was in class we learned the difference between certain and doubt. When you certain your have one hundred percent faith. Most of the time I struggle with being certain about things that I really want to achieve. One thing I mainly want to focus on this year is building up my faith. Doubt is a lack of faith in something. I have a lot of doubts most of the time and when I do I try to shake it off.  Today’s lesson really had a big impact on me and gave me better ideas on how to keep faith.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Reflection #69

Today in class we played four corners. Four corners is very useful for teaching and learning strategies. I feel like it can be used for pointing out facts and classmates having different viewpoints. Today I seen different viewpoints of how my classmates view different things. It was interesting seeing what every different group have to say.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Reflection #68

Today in class we read part of the seven deadly logical sins. It's very important to know how to recognize logical fallacies. Fallacies arise because draw improper conclusions from evidence. I learned that the study of argument and persuasion can help people understand the world more. I also learned that the seven sins show beautiful variety of ways that people cheat, lie, and steal. Today actually went by smoothly  was expecting to be stuck taking notes all block. The only problem I had was paying attention the whole time. The book basically reviewed some fallacies we covered and included some new ones we haven't covered yet. Altogether today was a great day.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Reflection #67

 Today was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I enjoyed the fallacy activity we did today in class. We were split into five groups and acted out skits on different fallacies. In my group since we were a group of five we were given two fallacies. The two fallacies we were given were missing the point and weak analogy. In the missing the point and weak analogy we acted out a cheating skit. Acting out the skits really helped me get a better understanding  what not to do in my writings.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Reflection #66

Today in class we took notes on fallacy. Fallacy can be a mistaken belief, a failure in reasoning, and faulty reasoning. In order to have a good argument you cannot have any fallacy, if you use fallacy you will weaken your argument. Towards the end of class we did examples to check for our understanding.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Reflection #64

Today in class we answered different questions on our goals for this year and mainly the things we learned last semester. We watched a speaker name Arel Moodie on the T.E.D. Talk who discussed the secret to success. One of the main things I learned is being smart and talented is overrated and that you need to put effort towards the things you want in life. He used pathos, ethos, and logos throughout his speaking to appeal to the audience. Now I know that effort is everything and I feel better about achieving my goals.

Reflection #126

The school year is almost coming to a end. In today’s lesson we learned about syntax. Who knew that syntax would be the hardest thing to fin...