Thursday, February 20, 2020

Reflection #96

Today in class we finished up the class presentations. The most interesting presentation to me was China. China experience typhoons every year and also suffer from floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and droughts. After we finished the presentations we worked on vocabulary words and three exercises while more students got information on how to improve their essays. Overall, today was a simple and easy day.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Reflection #95

Today in class we learned more interesting things about different countries. It is important to know about different countries cultures and traditions because it can arise misunderstandings with us living in the multicultural world. By learning and understanding different cultures we can understand why people do the things they do. The more we are exposed to different cultures and traditions, the more accepting we can be with people doing things different from what we use to. It is important to we aware of cultures, value, and respect them.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Reflection #94

Today in class we took down notes on interesting facts on our classmates presentations. I learned a lot of different things that I did not know. The most interesting thing that stood out to me was in Thailand where they had a water festival similar to baptism. Every country had they own way of doing things even though some of them was really weird to me. I enjoyed watching the presentations.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Reflection #93

Today mainly the whole class was in ACT prep. The four of us that was in there spend the time reviewing what we got wrong on our essays. I feel like I messed up on the smallest things and can improve more on my next essay. I was expecting a lower grade then what I got mainly because I forgot to take about nationality. On my next essay I plan to try to aim for a seven.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Reflection #92

Today in class we wrote an essay. I feel like I did alright, but I missed some of the little things. I didn’t really struggle to come up with the claims or evidence like I did last semester. I was able to come up with them under the ten minutes. The last thirty minutes we had over free time until the bell ring. Today was a relaxed and Good Friday.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Reflection #91

Today I was absent. World War II buffalo soldiers came to speak to rotc today. I was amazed at the different experiences they had with little technology. All of the soldiers were in their early  hundreds. I enjoyed looking at different things from back then and seeing how they were the greatest generation of all time. They made a lot of sacrifices at early ages even the ones that got drafted.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Reflection #90

Today we got into groups based on our continents. I learned a lot of interesting things about different countries customs. My country is Spain and I learned a lot of interesting things I didn’t know about until today. I actually enjoyed learning about different ways people live. One of the most interesting things I found about my country is instead of taking the husband last name the husband takes the wife last name. This is interesting to me because that hardly ever happen in America. At the end of the block when took a position on a prompt as our exit slip.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Reflection #89

Today in class we talked about cultures and diversity. I learned that culture is a strong part of people lives. Culture help bind us together on so many different levels. American culture means a lot to me the most because I like seeing different things we do as a whole. Culture defines a person from a different group, their language, traditions, food, and behaviors. Not  being able to understand cultures can lead to misunderstanding. Diversity is also important because workplaces and schools consisted of different races and cultures. Learning about different cultures will help us understand different perspectives.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Reflection #88

Today I made it to class at the last fifteen minutes. While I was missing class I went to ACT prep and got information for my national history day project. The ACT prep actually wasn't boring like I thought it was going to be. I actually learned some of the things I have trouble with. When I left ACT prep, I went to print out pictures and type up information on my project on Selma to Montgomery marches. I learned some things that I never really knew. They kept getting turned around by Alabama state troopers, but they did not give up. The topic I chose is actually interesting to me and is something I actually want to know about. When I made it to Mr. Rease class they were working on the seven elements dealing with American culture and African-American culture. For my project I ended up pulling Spain. Overall, today was a busy day for me.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Reflection #87

Today in class we took a test. The test was kinda of challenging to me mainly because I didn’t understand it. We went over it as a class and it was explained to us using the process of elimination. When we talked about it together I started to see how I missed some of the questions. Monday when we take another test I plan on trying to do better on it and do process of elimination.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Reflection #86

Today I came to class the last thirty minutes and we were discussing the prompt on a mother nurturing her son. In my opinion, I feel like every man needs a mother to nurture them to show them the right path to go and to bring them into manhood. We later wrote one paragraph on what we would say to our mother in our state of life. Our homework was to read it to our mom and write about her reaction. When I read it to my mom she was amazed and surprised I came up with something like that. I changed her bad day to a good day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Reflection #85

 Today in class we worked on claims on a humorist prompt. We looked at different sources to help us gather evidence for our claims. Today I learned more about comedians and how most people get offended by them. I believe humorists should be able to express themselves without having to suffer. The rest of the class we made five claims.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Reflection #83

Today in class we looked over a prompt on adversity. For my position I chose challenges mainly because you have to go through difficult challenges in order to get to where you want to be. The remainder of the class we talked about colleges, ACT scores, and scholarships.

Reflection #126

The school year is almost coming to a end. In today’s lesson we learned about syntax. Who knew that syntax would be the hardest thing to fin...