Friday, November 22, 2019

Reflection #50

 Today in class we did a rhetorical analysis essay. The essay was about Barack Obama using different devices to appeal to the audience. The speech was very interesting and something I actually enjoyed reading. I didn’t get a chance to finish my whole essay but I learned that I don’t have a lot of time to plan and write.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflection #49

 Today in class we read a essay on “Why I Hate Phones”. We could not finish the lesson because it was a call of duty. The remainder of the class spend the rest of the block talking about random stuff and expressed their beliefs.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflection #48

 Today Mr. Rease wasn’t here. We spent our time in Ms. Wells class and mainly played on our phones or talked to people who were close by us.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reflection #47

 Today in class we went over our classmates prompts. Today I learned that everyone makes mistakes while writing. We all mainly struggle with claims,evidence, and grammar. I mainly struggled with claims and evidence while writing. In my writing I didn’t back or my evidence or explained it.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Reflection #46

 Today in class we went over the 2015 AP Exam. In the exam we looked at the first question and the second question. In the second question we talked about the steps to go through before righting the five paragraphs. The only thing I feel that I would mostly struggle on is forgetting the steps in the middle of the test because I’m under a lot of pressure. The first question was more my style mainly because it wasn’t a lot to read.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Reflection #44

  Today in class we read a essay call “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”. The essay made a lot of sense, we all use google to answer everything. We barely take the time to think for ourselves anymore. We mostly assume everything on google is correct, sometimes that might not be the case. Later on in the class we reviewed questions and named the strategies used in the essay.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Reflection #41

 Today we took notes on diction,syntax,tone, and mood. We  went over the definition and how to use them properly. We later on made a chart on positive, negative, and neutral. We went over what words would fit in each category. After we finished the chart we and found tone and mood in the Martin Luther Kung Jr. speech.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reflection #40

 Today in class we we wrote down a rhetorical analysis chart. On the chart if had things such as the purpose, tone, pathos,ethos,logos, and etc. we went over a few before we ran out of time. For our exit slip we pulled out our Martin Luther King Jr. speech and wrote down the pathos,ethos, and logos.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reflection #39

The project was very challenging for me at first. It was hard to find different objects for the words I was given. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to use. The projects I seen today was very creative and different. Everyone had different objects to share and talk about. It was amazing to see what people actually had in mind.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reflection #38

  Today we read the Martin Luther Jr. speech. We identified different rhetorical devices and highlighted them. Most of the speech made a little emotional. We later talked about the differences of now and then.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Reflection #37

  Today in class we took a quiz on the poem we read yesterday. The test wasn’t that hard mainly because we answered most of them yesterday. We also read our poems to the whole class, which I was kinda nervous most of the poems had a deep meaning behind them. After we read the poems we annotated a Tupac song. The song had a crazy meaning behind it. I like how he took a story and turned it into a cycle.


Aerie Brown 
Mr. Rease 
AP Lang 
31 October 2019
            Life As We Know It
             Life is so much like a
            Roller coaster 
            It has its ups and downs
         It is your choice whether you 
              Freak out or enjoy the view 
           Life is a elevator 
         On your way up you have to 
       Stop and let people out
      Of your life
        Everyone is not meant to
   Tag along 
      Life is like Instagram 
     You either follow people or 
     Life is just like a highway
     It is a road that can go on
    Your life can go forever and
     Different things will come up
       Never let a toad block your way
Life is a echo
     What you send out will come back 

Reflection #126

The school year is almost coming to a end. In today’s lesson we learned about syntax. Who knew that syntax would be the hardest thing to fin...